Boosting your health with Fruits & Vegetables

Boosting your health with Fruits & Vegetables

How to help consumers incorporate more fruits & vegetables into their diet


Health has been a crucial human concern for as long as we could think. Specific areas of health and the focus topics for consumers have evolved over time, but to stay healthy as long as possible in life is still key for consumers all around the world. This has been boosted by the global pandemic of Covid-19. According to FMCG Gurus, two thirds of consumers globally have become more conscious about their health because of Covid-19.

As we have mentioned in previous trendblog articles a range of health topics are interesting for consumers. After our trendblog stories on “food as medicine” or “de-stressing for mental wellbeing”, we want to focus now on another key health aspect: nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle. 83% of consumers are making attempts to eat and drink healthier because of Covid-19 (Source: FMCG Gurus).


Enough intake of fruits and vegetables is a key contributor to a healthy nutrition. The United Nations has named 2021 the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. With this they are spotlighting the vital role fruits and vegetables play in human nutrition and for food security, but they also urge efforts for a more sustainable production and the reduction of food waste.

Out of the two thirds of consumers that want to eat and drink healthier as a result of Covid-19, nearly 70% plan to increase their intake of fruits. Roughly half of them wants to rise their intake of vegetables (Source: FCMG Gurus). This goes hand in hand with the mainstreaming of plant-based nutrition. The power of plants and natural products containing plant-based ingredients are on the rise globally.

Although a big group of consumers shows willingness to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diet, many struggle with the realization. The reasons for this are manifold and range from convenience, affordability to the challenge of overcoming old habits or missing availability.


In addition to the recommended daily portions of fresh fruits and vegetables, there are various ways of how to integrate more fruits and vegetables into the diet as part of ready products.

Discover with us a day full of eating with products that have a high content of fruits and/or vegetables to contribute to the well-known recommended “5 a day” portions of fruits & vegetables:



At AGRANA Fruit we are experts to bring customized fruit & vegetable preparations to all different kinds of applications: yogurts, smoothies, baked goods, dips, sauces, and beverages. Be it for retail or food service, we know what combinations consumers love and with which applications they can add more fruits and vegetables to their nutrition without a big hassle.

Let’s create the next product together loaded with fruits and vegetables!


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