Top fruits


Grapefruit, blueberries and pineapple - meet the Superfruit-trio!

Grapefruit, Blueberries and Pineapple - meet the Superfruit Trio!

Nutrition is a hot topic these days. There are numerous health plans, meal suggestions and diets out there to help us live a healthier life. But no matter what type of healthy weight management plan you choose, there is rarely one that goes without including Grapefruits, Blueberries or Pineapples.

There are several benefits to making them a part of your daily routine such as increasing your intake of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Also eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is tied to a lower risk of chronic diseases and certain cancers.


Grapefruits are a excellent choice when it comes to your healthy diet regimen due to their promotion of salivary and gastric digestion. Red and pink grapefruits have a high amount of vitamin A, potassium, folate, calcium and iron. Grapefruits are a rich source of pectin which is a soluble fibre that helps to lower blood cholesterol. They stimulate the appetite and have the unique ability to burn away fat. It has also been widely suggested that eating grapefruits can help people lose weight which in turn can decrease the risk for diabetes. 


Blueberries are high in fiber and packed with vitamin C, E, riboflavin, niacin, and folate and also minerals like iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. They increase the production of feel good dopamine. which is a natural neurotransmitter. Catechins found in blueberries activate fat-burning genes in abdominal fat cells (the most dangerous) to assist with weight loss, and belly fat loss in particular. 


Pineapples are high in vitamin C and A, magnesium, fiber, potassium, phosphorous and calcium. They have the ability to alleviate indigestion and have an anthelmintic effect that helps us get rid of intestinal parasites. This aids in the absorption of essential nutrients and can help eliminate fat. Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme is the key to the value intrinsic properties of the pineapple helping the body digest proteins and lose excess fat, especially around the waist.

A good rule is to include a serving of fruit at breakfast and twice a day as a snack. One serving is about the size of a tennis ball. Whip fruit into a smoothie, add it to oatmeal or yogurt, or just bite right in - however you prefer to do it.


We would like to share with you latest launches around the globe, which can be interesting for you:

  1. Mexico re-launched a line of water based fat free frozen desserts with cherry fruit flavors. 
  2. South Korea launched a brand-new low fat greek blueberry yogurt which is claimed to be the country’s first 100% strained real greek yogurt.
  3. Apple and Pear are the flavors for Argentina’s new yogurt drink that contains zinc and calcium, and has been fortified with vitamin A, D, E, and folic acid, which is important in pregnancy.
  4. There is a new gluten free greek apple and cinnamon nonfat yogurt with active yogurt cultures in USA. 
  5. In Peru is a greek-style yogurt with cinnamon and apple now available. This yogurt features 0% fat and contains probiotics. 
  6. USA launched popsicles with pineapple, mango and carrot. The product is suitable for vegans and is free from fat, gluten and dairy.
  7. A Pineapple flavoured skimmed drinking yogurt is currently featured in Spain. The gluten-free product contains 0% fat.
  8. USA launched pineapple yogurt that is fat free, contains vitamins A and D, and live and active cultures. 
  9. Switzerland launched an orange grapefruit yogurt from skimmed milk.
  10. Portugal launched pineapple & pear drinking yogurt. 

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