My big low-fat greek yogurt.

My big low-fat greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt takes over the world.

Greek yogurt takes over the world.

Greek yogurt is all the rage – in Europe as well as in the US and we have collected the most important facts around this creamy protein explosion for you. 

Good to know!

The difference between Greek yogurt and normal yogurt is the removal of whey, the watery part of the milk. What remains is thick, creamy, indulgent yogurt. Taking out the whey removes carbohydrates but leaves more protein. Here’s a comparison: a 200 gram cup of fat-free Greek yogurt contains almost double the protein than the same amount of normal yogurt. It contains about the same amount of protein as 100 grams of lean beef. Also, Greek yogurt supplies around 20% of our recommended daily calcium requirement.

Good for men!

It’s good for men – at least according to marketing strategy experts. The low fat and high protein content as well as its pure and natural attributes are credited for Greek yogurt’s success in the United States. And that is exactly the selling point aimed at its male target audience: “High protein content supporting an active and athletic lifestyle and a reduction in weight without the fuss.“

92% of 18- to 24-year-olds and 85% of 25- to 34-year-olds are physically active on a weekly basis. (Source: activity level, 2012). The main goal: muscle development. It is safe to assume that protein-rich, functional performance food is considered the perfect addition to a goal-oriented, active adult’s daily nutrition.

In the future, protein will not just be associated with weight loss, but also satiation, a kind of natural energy source popping up in ever more and different shapes. Keywords: protein breads, protein drinks etc.

The manufacture of Greek yogurt requires a high level of know-how and expertise due to its protein content. Today, thanks to our global new product development team and the close cooperation with our customers, AGRANA Fruit is proud to offer more than 200 individual fruit products featuring Greek yogurt.


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